Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Top 9 Pharmacist Duties and Responsibilities

Top 9 Pharmacist Duties and ResponsibilitiesTop 9 Pharmacist Duties and ResponsibilitiesNo single job description covers all the 274,000-plus pharmacist positions in the United States. Practice settings for pharmacists vary widely from independently owned drugstores to nationwide grocery store chains, medical centers, military bases and marijuana dispensaries. Pharmacists Responsibilities Despite the professional diversity, researchers with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics and officials for pharmacy organizations agree that pharmacists perform a mix of the following tasks while on the job. Items appear roughly in the order of how much time pharmacists spend doing them. Does your practice look different? 1. Dispense Prescriptions This is the filling, licking and sticking most people imagine when they conjure a mental image of a pharmacist counting out tablets, preparing a bottle label and handhabung medications to patients. 2. Communicate With Prescribers Any time a prescr iption order is unclear or potentially harmful for a patient, you need to confirm the dosage and formulation (e.g., liquid or tablet), as well as whether brand name product is required or if you can substitute a generic equivalent. 3. Enaya Patients Safety Check each patients medication record every time he or she gets a new or refill prescription filled. This is the best way for a pharmacist to prevent potentially dangerous interactions between drugs. 4. Counsel Patients This involves more than informing about adverse reactions and interactions with other medications, food, alcohol and other beverages like grapefruit juice. Counseling includes training patients how and when to take doses, following up with patients to see if medications are working, sharing tips on how to minimize side effects while maximizing benefits and listening to all of a patients concerns. 5. Work With Patients on General Health Maintaining health requires more than taking prescription medication s, Pharmacists can help patients heal and avoid getting sick by sharing advice on using nonprescription remedies, taking health supplements such as vitamins, using herbal and natural health products, exercising and maintaining a good diet. 6. Deal With Insurance Companies Pharmacists working in a chain and independent pharmacies, especially, have to submit insurance claims and work with private insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid to ensure payment, and resolve coverage denials so patients do not go with medications. 7. Manage Staff Pharmacists have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the three Rs of right drug, right patient and right dose. Meeting this responsibility requires overseeing the work of and mentoring pharmacy technicians, student interns and residents. Pharmacy owners and supervisors also have responsibilities for making hiring decisions and setting and enforcing workplace policies. 8. Perform Administrative Tasks Everyone in a pharmacy has some responsibilities for keeping patient files up to date, making sure needed products are stocked and required reports get generated and filed. If you hold a supervisor or management position, you can spend as much or more time on administrative duties as on patient care. 9. Educate Health Provider Colleagues Doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers about new medications and drug therapy protocols. Pharmacists also have to complete continuing education courses to maintain and renew their licenses keep up to date on drug approvals, product recalls and changes to medications indications and warnings and make sure they comply with federal and state laws regulating pharmacy. The last item is especially important. Each state and U.S. territory has its own pharmacy practice law, which changes from year to year. Joining ?your states pharmacy association can make learning about an complying with practice regulations easier. Earn a pharmacy compounding accreditation.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Whats Your Favorite Question to Ask in An Interview

Whats Your Favorite Question to Ask in An InterviewFavorite Question to Ask in An InterviewWhats Your Favorite Question to Ask in An InterviewIf you browse through the archived posts in this blog, youll find plenty of advice about questions you must ask during a job interview. Asking the interviewer questions is a good way to find out more about the company or the job youre interested in.It goes without saying that an interview should be a two-way conversation. Ideally, you should ask as many questions as the interviewer asks you if not more. After all, both sides need to make sure the job and company are a good fit.Popular questions job seekers can ask includeWhat do you feel are the most important skills required in performing this job?What are the most important results I would need to achieve in the first 6 months?What are the top challenges Ill face in this position?Some job seekers may have a favorite question they like to ask at a job interview that reveals a lot about either the job or the company. So, lets turn this post over to you What is your favorite question to ask in a job interview, and why?

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Guts-for-Brains Resume

A Guts-for-Brains Resume A Guts-for-Brains Resume Because of, or perhaps despite, his self-effacing, if elend self-eradicating blunt pitch, Le Gauche does have an employment history, however humble it may seem (including a current stint as a caretaker, which he cites in a blog to blunt allegations hes trying to get on or be eligible for the dole).Whats So Bad about Telling the Unpleasant Truth?What caught my eye and interest is the question his resume implicitly poses Its apparent comic entertainment value aside, does a brutally frank and refreshingly revealing resume have merit as a serious resume form, and if notlage, why not?This question discounts the aforementioned possibility that the real purpose of such a self-incriminating resume is to qualify for or retain unemployment benefits through a persistent job search that carries no risk of being hired. However, dismissing this possibility may be unwise, given that, as mentioned, Le Gauche provides no contact information, apart f rom his blog- which, of course, raises the possibility that the whole thing is a genial hoax, yet, from a recruiting standpoint, an instructive one, as will be argued below.But first, to get a taste of that kind of no-holds-barred candor- the kind that will elicit a gasp, shrug, laugh and the thought that the guy cant be serious, here are excerpts from Le Gauches ostensibly self-shredding resume, revealingly given the peculiar URL, http//curriculumvitiate.wordpress.com/the-cv/,which is based on his online I.D.- perhaps through a self-sabotaging Freudian kurze unterhose or wry sense of humor(Boldface and italics, mine and vitiate construed as spoil, pervert, or invalidate.)My name is BENEDICT LE GAUCHE and I welches born on 02/05/83 which makes me 28 and ripe as a lemon. Im looking for a job Ill like. As a man of integrity Im not about to try and give you the impression that all the jobs Ive had previously were brilliant learning experiences tailor-made to equip me for precisely the job Im applying for (hello you) when in reality they have been, for the greater part, boring and drudgerous (sic) and disheartening. I should state I was not bad at them. The capacity to bear such trials whilst retaining an at-most-times sunny disposition might be called something like the ability to work under pressure.via some kind of weird pride or fear of being disliked I have hitherto been inspired to perform above averagely for every company Ive ever worked for and believe that I can harness this same fear in the furthering of your company goals. Who knows? I might even like the job Though this is statistically improbable.I like working on my own if there isnt anyone fun to work with but can also stand the company of people I hold in contempt and am, in this sense, versatile.I really excel at customer service and do, through great force of will and habit, hide the worst of my qualities.(One of his prior jobs) Telephone GuyGOVNET, schnrlsamt 15/8/2009 to 28/8/2009 Duties includ ed Pretending to be on the phone. Joining my irrevocably compromised colleagues in the morning chorus of IM GOING TO SELL SELL SELL (my soul). Trying to work out what it was the company did and what part of that I was supposed to be doing. Hiding.(Job at Blackwells Bookstore) Duties included Daily use of the full suite of Microsoft Office programmes. For two years. So now I cant look at a latticed window without seeing, in my minds eye, Excel and everything that follows.(A Market Street retail position) Duties included Resisting the desire to fold my arms. Resisting the desire to yawn. Resisting the desire put either of my hands into either of my pockets. Resisting the desire to scream aloud.As for his Manchester Metropolitan University bachelors honors degree in philosophy, he succinctly sums it up in one word Pointless. His candor apparently boundless, he adds that, as of January 11, 2011, he was/has been free from all venereal disease (which may be a job credential in some movie studios in L.A., although it does raise the question whether his integrity would have remained intact had his lab results been different).So, assuming that the purpose of Le Gauches resume, tongue-in-cheek or not, is not to avoid being hired, a variant of the question posed above can now be fully addressed Why arent there mora resumes like this and why shouldnt there be?The Rare Blunt WorkerAlthough such full professional self-disclosure is not limited to resumes and is more common in unrecorded conversations, it still is rather rare. One such uncommon instance of uncommon candor that I can report occurred a few days ago, here in Qingdao, China, where I am saving thousands of dollars by having my local dentist, from two years back, revisit my mouth, a kind of micro-economy. One of his staff, a very personable young woman stationed at my dental chairs side divulged her secret I want to change jobs. While her zeiteinteilung may have been questionable- given her critical role in assist ing with the tricky procedures and providing comfort, her openness was refreshing. The dentist working on my root canal topped that In the middle of our second complicated 3-hour session in two days, he unnervingly- or is it de-nervingly?volunteered, I dont like doing root canals. I guess what Ive often been told is true I have a way of getting people to open up to me.He and the assistant, like Le Gauche, have made me wonder why there isnt more candor like that and to ask what exactly is wrong with being honest. True, honesty per se isnt necessarily a virtue Among the most honest people in the world are armed robbers who say, Gimme the money or Ill shoot you Completely truthful. Hence, while honesty may earn you and indulgence, it isnt a plenary indulgence, i.e., full absolution. However, the fact that sometimes honesty is not only a social, legal and professional liability, but also frequently a moral one, as in the case of the mugger, seems insufficient to account for its rarity.B efore answering that question- why such blunt talk is so rare, it will be useful to ask why job applicants or disgruntled employees would attempt it at all. Here are some speculations, some less obvious than othersTo avoid working in general or escape having to take the job under consideration (previously mentioned)To continue to collect or qualify for unemployment benefits (previously mentioned)To paradoxically display admirable employee traits, e.g., fearlessness, integrity or openness, by disclosing bad ones, the admirable ones being expected to more than offset the costs of being honest (You are X, BUT HONEST offsetting You are honest, BUT X)To gain a competitive edge by being distinctive, edgy and hard-to-forgetTo lay down the challenge to match that honesty with comparable recruiter and company honestyTo create the appearance of a personal, intimate bond between applicant and recruiter or employee and client based on mutual honesty and opennessTo find a fun outlet for oral agg ressivenessTo carry on a personal crusade against hypocrisy, which, at a deeper psychological level, translates into resentment of unfairness, manipulation, deception, conformity and/or powerlessness.Miscalculation of the consequences of being completely frank.So, these are worth keeping in mind when taken aback by the unexpected candor of any job candidate.Why So Few Blunt Workers?It may seem needless to ask why so few applicants and employees are as candid as Le Gauche has been reported to beYou wont get hiredYou may get firedOf course. Right?But then theres Jack Nicholsons classic phrase in A Few Good Men- You cant handle the truth, and its simple follow-up, Why cant we handle the truth- or at least more of it? Thats the question to be extracted from Le Gauches posting and his jiggling of the Web. Were Socrates alive today, he might expand on his deceptively simple question, What is truth?, and add, Why cant recruiters, clients and employers handle it?The Workplace Truth TabooUnd erstanding the inconvenient truth is like committing a crime Those who do it dont want to get caught making it clear that they did it- it being the crime committed or the act of understanding the inconvenient truth. When it comes to workplace truth, there are theawkward truths Theres spinach on the applicants teeth.accusatory truths I know you havent read my resume.Incriminating truths I havent read your resume.disqualifying truths I have mastered no software.disillusioning truths Nobody really needs the junk we sell.cynical truths Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the masses. (P.T. Barnum)insulting truths Your breath will even kill the bacteria that cause it.(Note these are my examples, not Le Gauches.)The Sad TruthThe sad truth of the matter is that every one of these kinds of tabooed truth is bad for business. This is sad, as a commentary about both the frequently delusional, deceptive, timidity-driven preconditions of staying in business and about our ge neral intolerance for truth, irrespective of how heavily the likes of Socrates have promoted appreciation of facts, veracity in reporting them and the willingness to face and report them in the first place. So thats why an awful lot of truth is taboo in the workplace.But, notice this peculiar fact On a re-reading of Le Gauches resume (authentic or not), it can be seen that many of the inconvenient truths he expresses are, in fact, not among the kinds in the foregoing list of tabooed truths- booed, perhaps, but not tabooed. The rest of his curiously candid comments directly or indirectly challenge the list, without adding to it.For example, his characterization of some of the jobs he had as boring would be taboo only for the truly and completely delusional Snow White seven dwarves who cant help chirping we whistle while we work. Virtually everything else he says in his resume also passes the taboo-list test (by not being an instance of the lists categories) or invalidates a given lis t category as a testI should state I was not bad at them. No problem here, except perhaps for comic humility.Im not about to try and give you the impression that all the jobs Ive had previously were brilliant learning experiences tailor-made to equip me for precisely the job Im applying for. Again, no problem. Obviously, for most of us some past jobs are better matches for prospective jobs than for others. via some kind of weird pride or fear of being disliked I have hitherto been inspired to perform above averagely for every company Ive ever worked for and believe that I can harness this same fear in the furthering of your company goals. The knee-jerk response to this one is that it expresses a taboo disillusioning truth, namely, the hard truth that employees sometimes work for reasons other than abiding love of the corporation. Come on- do we really have to pretend that we dont work for other reasons, such as a paycheck, status, pride in our skills (rather than in the company that recruits them) or fear of having nothing to do? Duties included Resisting the desire to fold my arms. Resisting the desire to yawn. Resisting the desire put either of my hands into either of my pockets. Resisting the desire to scream aloud. Although this one seems to clearly disqualify Le Gauche from working in retail, in fact it does not directly express a truth, tabooed or not. Thats because his core or specified duties did not include resisting the desire to yawn or to scream aloud. So, humorous mischaracterization of the jobs duties? Yes. Tabooed truth? No. Hence, no workplace truth taboo has been violated here, even though every joke contains a grain of truth. What disqualifies him is not the truth he expressed, but the truth he tacitly implied, viz., work is often only a means, not an end in itself- which, in virtue of being only tacitly implied, approximately conforms to the workplace requirement of a collusion of silence about tabooed truths. So no truth taboo directly viol ated here.Maybe (Le) Gauche, But Not Dangerously TruthfulAccordingly, most, if not all of the attention his resume has attracted based on his alleged honesty and candor, has been misdirected as a result of a misconception about what it says. His comments may be too informal, too humble, too humorous, too insightful or too off-target (like the STD report or mention of people liking his ginger hair). But how many among them really are, with respect to a prospective employer or recruiter, too awkward, accusatory, incriminating, disqualifying, disillusioning, cynical or insulting for him to get the job done and done decently?If you insist on being conventional or hard-core about job applicant candor and on toeing the conservative workplace truth line, you could still rationalize hiring the playfully candid Le Gauche in at least two ways first, to hire him despite his resume, rather than because of it, on the grounds that he is willing to take on the challenge of a job compounded by the severe challenges posed by his attitudes, as a kind of cognitive or emotional disability, expressed in his resume. Thats spunky- for both of you.Or you could do the next best thing.Hire him as a comic.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Scheduling Job Interviews When You Have a Job

Scheduling Job Interviews When You Have a JobScheduling Job Interviews When You Have a JobIt can be hard to juggle job interviews when youre working. Some employers may bring a candidate in for multiple rounds of interviews or conduct a series of lengthy interviews in a single day. There are a wide variety of formats for the interview process before reaching the final interview. If you are going on lots of interviews that can add up to a lot of time that youll need to take off from work - without the guarantee of having a new job to go to. In some cases, the first round or two are phone interviews which can make it easier to manage. In others, its more complicated. Its important to carefully manage the time you take to interview, so you dont jeopardize the job you have. Here are tips for scheduling job interviews when youre employed. Options for Scheduling Interviews Most prospective employers will understand your desire to keep your search confidential in the early stages and a ppreciate your dedication to your current job. So, its appropriate to ask about interview times when talking to recruiters and hiring managers. What to Say Whats the best way to discuss your availability for interviews? You should begin your conversation about an interview by expressing your excitement about being selected. However, it is acceptable to explore options for interviewing which will not interfere with your current job or raise any suspicions on the part of your employer. Inquire about early morning, late in the day, evening, or even weekend options especially for initial or exploratory meetings with a limited number of representatives from your target employer. Phone, video, FaceTime, or Skype may be a possibility, depending on the job and the employer. Also, be sure to confirm your interview in advance. Use Time Off or Shift Your Schedule Another possibility is to save some vacation or other paid time offfor your interviews. If you can schedule your interviews at the start or the end of the workday, or around your lunch hour, you wont need to take the entire day off. If you can shift your schedule, even by an hour or two, you could come in early or stay later to accommodate the time you need to interview. In some instances, unknown circumstances could come up and force you to have to reschedule your interview. Dont worry, your prospective employer should view your dedication to your current job as a strength and rescheduling shouldnt be too difficult. Be Cognizant of Workflow Whenever possible, try to arrange interview times on days where you will be missed the least. Prepare for your absence by getting work done in advance, if feasible. Your absence will be tolerated more easily if your work is getting done. Remember that at some point you will probably need a favorable reference from your current employer.Since a job search can take several months, you dont want to be viewed as a slacker during this time. Work some evenings or weeke nds, if necessary, to maintain your image as a strong contributor. Be Selective You dont have to accept every interview youre offered, especially if youre getting a lot of interest from prospective employers. If youre an in-demand candidate, its appropriate to ask some questions prior to the interview to determine if the job is a good fit and if its worth your time (and the hiring managers time) to pursue the opportunity. Its fine to decline a job interview if, after further consideration, youve decided this isnt the best job for you. Its more polite to cancel than keep the process going when you know its a position that you dont want. Plus, canceling will free up some time to interview for the jobs that you know you would love to get hired for. Be Sure to Keep it Confidential Resist the temptation to share your interviewing news with colleagues, even those whom you trust the most if you are concerned about maintaining secrecy.Making an excuse to cover your absence like a vi sit to a relative, caring for a parent, an appointment, or a trip to the beach might help deflect the curiosity of co-workers. Word gets around very quickly in the workplace. Its a good idea to keep your job search to yourself until you have a firm job offer in place, and youre ready to turn in your resignation.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The reason most people will never be successful

The reason fruchtwein people will never be successfulThe reason most people will never be successfulSuccess isnt just having lots of money. Many people with lots of money have horribly unhappy and radically imbalanced lives.Success is continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve, and how you relate.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraSo why wont most people be successful?Why dont most people evolve?- - - The mora evolved you become, the mora elevated becomes your thinking, expectations, and standards.Becoming evolved meansYou no longer major in minor things - As Jim Rohn said, A lot of people dont do well simply because they major in minor things.You are intentional about every moment of every day - even when that means being fully unplugged and present with your loved onesYou know that you become the product of what surrounds youYou know that everything you p ut in your mind and body shapes the rolle you become - As Zig Ziglar said, Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.You realize that your behaviors shape your personality and identity - therefore you recognize that EVERY CHOICE YOU MAKE signals to yourself the type of person you areBalancing the few essentialsThe more successful you become - which is balancing the few essential things (spiritual, relational, financial, physical) in your life and removing everything else - the less you can justify low quality.Before you evolve as a personYou can reasonably spend time with just about anyoneYou can eat just about anything put in front of youYou can justify having terrible evenings because you dont have anything meaningful to wake-up for anywaysAs your geistesbild for yourself expandsIf you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. - Wayne DyerAs your vision for yourself expands, you real ize you have to make certain adjustments. You need to cut back on spending all of your money and time on crap and entertainment. You have to save more, and invest more in your education and your future.The more successful you becomeThe less you can justify low quality and the higher your standards become for yourself - As Tony Robbins said, Remember in life we get what we tolerate Where in your life is it time to draw the line in the sand and say no more To yourself? To others?The more you value your time - and how that time is spent. When youre at work, youre 100% at work. When youre at home, youre 100% at home. You begin living in the results-economy, where youre less worried about how long something takes you, and youre more concerned about achieving your desired results more effectively and efficiently.Thus, no longer are you willing to work on a time clock.Instead, you only work and get paid for what you results you produce.You have skin in the game. And because you get paid for your results, you create environments that force you to get your desired results faster.You apply the 80/20 rule. You only focus on those things that produce the best outcomes, and you ignore all else.You get the best mentoring.You work when your energy levels and brain-power are peaked, which for most people is during the first 3 hours of their day.You figure out how to get 2X the results youre currently getting in half the time.You the re-invest that time you just saved into rest and recovery. Youre totally unplugged spending quality time with your friends and family.Youre investing more and more into your self-improvement. You get to the point where 20% of your time is spent working, and the other 80% is spent either learning or resting.Youre sharpening your saw so that during your work hours, your rested, fresh, and powerful.Youre continually upgraded your mindplatzset, mentorships, skills, abilities, and income.Your life and your identity are a product of your choices. Your personality doesnt shape who you are. Your behaviors shape who you are.The most powerful choices you can make is to put yourself into environments that force you to rise to new standards. Said historian Will Durant, I think the ability of the average man could be doubled if it were demanded. If the situation demanded.You surround yourself with people who have higher standards than you do. Because you know that as a person, you are bedrngnis a fixed and unchangeable entity.Instead, you know that you are highly flexible and fluid. Your input shapes your mindset and worldview, which shapes your output. That output creates opportunities for the future.As you continually improve your world around you - and as you consistently make better and better choices, your identity changes. Your environment changes. Your confidence and abilities change.You begin taking on much bigger goals.You begin recognizing and appreciating how far youve come.You begin collaborating with brilliant people. You transform yourself over and over, all the while continually going deeper and deeper into your why.How you do anything is how you do everythingIf your daily behaviors are consistently low quality, what do you expect your lifes output to be?Every area of your life affects every other area of your life. Hence the saying, How you do anything is how you do everything. This is very high-level thinking. It only makes sense for people who have removed everything from their lives they hate. To actually live this principle your daily and normal life can only be filled with those things you highly value.Your new normal needs to continually exceed your previous ideals and dreams.When your days are filled with only those core essentials that mean the world to you - and youre succeeding in those few areas - you absolutely will dominate in all areas of your life.Because the only things in your life are the things you highly value. Youre intrinsically motivated by what youre doing.The stakes are very high for you. Because everything in your life matters. Your behavior is consequential in every area of your life. If you dont show up, you get called out. Whether thats at work with your partners or at home with your kids.Youve created an environment that expects you to be present. That expects you to show up. And you rise to that expectation. You rise to that expectation because your behavior is increasingly consistent with the person you intend to be.Because your behavior is continually improving, your confidence continually improves. As your confidence improves, your expectation to continue to succeed continually improves. As your expectation to succeed improves, your ability to manifest your dreams and desires becomes powerful.Even more powerfully though, you understand that you should expect everything yet attach to nothing. Regardless of the outcome, your security is internal. You expect the best, and that is generally what happens for you. When things abflug to fall apa rt, or when you fail, you let it go. You dont over-attach to any outcomes, whether success or failure.You are fluid and adaptive. You seek data through action, and then take that feedback and continually emerge into something new and better. Continually providing more value. Continually maintain the beginners mind. Continually seeking feedback and openness.You have no ego in this game.Your life is increasingly congruent.Youre continuing to learn - which means you are becoming more effective at producing your desired results and then replicating those results. Learning, after all, is a making a permanent change in how you see and operate in the world. If you cant consistently produce better results, youre not learning.Getting information in your head is not learning. There must be a change in behavior, or else there is no true understanding. The difference between knowledge and wisdom is that wisdom is the proper application of knowledge.Knowledge isnt power - its potential power. Knowledge only becomes powerful when its properly applied and becomes wisdom, experience, and understanding.T.S. Elliot once asked, Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?We now live in the information economy. Information is not scarce. Information has actually become one of the biggest distractions in our current environment.Spending your time-consuming information wont set you apart in todays environment. Filtering through the vast sea of noise and finding the right information, then properly and immediately apply that information to produce better results is how you set yourself apart in todays word.And not applying that information in a vacuum or echo-chamber. But applying it in the form of collaborations with different types of people - where the whole becomes different from the sum of its parts.Are you living intentionally?Saying No to great but irrelevant opportunities is hard.Giving up bad habits is hard.Changing y our belief system and expanding your vision takes courage. Its so easy to revert back to small and mediocre thinking.However, as you come closer to living on a daily fundament with your values and ideals, amazing things start to happen. Youll feel happier. Youll be more present with those you love. Youll spend your time better. Youll pursue bigger dreams and ambitions. Youll be more resilient during challenges. Youll live at a higher frequency. And everything around you will reflect that.But to repeat Jim Rohn, A lot of people dont do well simply because they major in minor things. Said another way, most people are caught in the thick of thin things.Hence, most people wont be successful. Most people wont evolve and progress.But you will. You know it, and you can feel it. Youve already begun. And every day, youre taking one step closer.Soon enough, youll fully commit to being who you know you can be. Once you pass that point of no return, nothing will stop you.Ready to upgrade?Ive cr eated a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong peopleThe reason most people will never be successfulSuccess isnt just having lots of money. Many people with lots of money have horribly unhappy and radically imbalanced lives. Success is continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve, and how you relate.So why wont most people be successful?Why dont most people evolve?- - - The more evolved you become, the more elevated becomes your thinking, expectations, and standards.Becoming evolved me ansYou no longer major in minor things - As Jim Rohn said, A lot of people dont do well simply because they major in minor things.You are intentional about every moment of every day - even when that means being fully unplugged and present with your loved onesYou know that you become the product of what surrounds youYou know that everything you put in your mind and body shapes the person you become - As Zig Ziglar said, Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.You realize that your behaviors shape your personality and identity - therefore you recognize that EVERY CHOICE YOU MAKE signals to yourself the type of person you areBalancing the few essentialsThe more successful you become - which is balancing the few essential things (spiritual, relational, financial, physical) in your life and removing everything else - the less you can justify low quality.Before you evolve as a personYou can reasonably spend time with just about anyoneYou can eat just about anything put in front of youYou can justify having terrible evenings because you dont have anything meaningful to wake-up for anywaysAs your vision for yourself expandsIf you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. - Wayne DyerAs your vision for yourself expands, you realize you have to make certain adjustments. You need to cut back on spending all of your money and time on crap and entertainment. You have to save more, and invest more in your education and your future.The more successful you becomeThe less you can justify low quality and the higher your standards become for yourself - As Tony Robbins said, Remember in life we get what we tolerate Where in your life is it time to draw the line in the sand and say no more To yourself? To others?The more you value your time - and how that time is spent. When youre at work, youre 100% at work. When youre at home, youre 100% at home. You begin living in the resul ts-economy, where youre less worried about how long something takes you, and youre more concerned about achieving your desired results more effectively and efficiently.Thus, no longer are you willing to work on a time clock.Instead, you only work and get paid for what you results you produce.You have skin in the game. And because you get paid for your results, you create environments that force you to get your desired results faster.You apply the 80/20 rule. You only focus on those things that produce the best outcomes, and you ignore all else.You get the best mentoring.You work when your energy levels and brain-power are peaked, which for most people is during the first 3 hours of their day.You figure out how to get 2X the results youre currently getting in half the time.You the re-invest that time you just saved into rest and recovery. Youre totally unplugged spending quality time with your friends and family.Youre investing more and more into your self-improvement. You get to the point where 20% of your time is spent working, and the other 80% is spent either learning or resting.Youre sharpening your saw so that during your work hours, your rested, fresh, and powerful.Youre continually upgraded your mindset, mentorships, skills, abilities, and income.Your life and your identity are a product of your choices. Your personality doesnt shape who you are. Your behaviors shape who you are.The most powerful choices you can make is to put yourself into environments that force you to rise to new standards. Said historian Will Durant, I think the ability of the average man could be doubled if it were demanded. If the situation demanded.You surround yourself with people who have higher standards than you do. Because you know that as a person, you are not a fixed and unchangeable entity.Instead, you know that you are highly flexible and fluid. Your input shapes your mindset and worldview, which shapes your output. That output creates opportunities for the future.As you continually improve your world around you - and as you consistently make better and better choices, your identity changes. Your environment changes. Your confidence and abilities change.You begin taking on much bigger goals.You begin recognizing and appreciating how far youve come.You begin collaborating with brilliant people. You transform yourself over and over, all the while continually going deeper and deeper into your why.How you do anything is how you do everythingIf your daily behaviors are consistently low quality, what do you expect your lifes output to be?Every area of your life affects every other area of your life. Hence the saying, How you do anything is how you do everything. This is very high-level thinking. It only makes sense for people who have removed everything from their lives they hate. To actually live this principle your daily and normal life can only be filled with those things you highly value.Your new normal needs to continually exceed your previous idea ls and dreams.When your days are filled with only those core essentials that mean the world to you - and youre succeeding in those few areas - you absolutely will dominate in all areas of your life.Because the only things in your life are the things you highly value. Youre intrinsically motivated by what youre doing.The stakes are very high for you. Because everything in your life matters. Your behavior is consequential in every area of your life. If you dont show up, you get called out. Whether thats at work with your partners or at home with your kids.Youve created an environment that expects you to be present. That expects you to show up. And you rise to that expectation. You rise to that expectation because your behavior is increasingly consistent with the person you intend to be.Because your behavior is continually improving, your confidence continually improves. As your confidence improves, your expectation to continue to succeed continually improves. As your expectation to succeed improves, your ability to manifest your dreams and desires becomes powerful.Even more powerfully though, you understand that you should expect everything yet attach to nothing. Regardless of the outcome, your security is internal. You expect the best, and that is generally what happens for you. When things start to fall apart, or when you fail, you let it go. You dont over-attach to any outcomes, whether success or failure.You are fluid and adaptive. You seek data through action, and then take that feedback and continually emerge into something new and better. Continually providing more value. Continually maintain the beginners mind. Continually seeking feedback and openness.You have no ego in this game.Your life is increasingly congruent.Youre continuing to learn - which means you are becoming more effective at producing your desired results and then replicating those results. Learning, after all, is a making a permanent change in how you see and operate in the world. If y ou cant consistently produce better results, youre not learning.Getting information in your head is not learning. There must be a change in behavior, or else there is no true understanding. The difference between knowledge and wisdom is that wisdom is the proper application of knowledge.Knowledge isnt power - its potential power. Knowledge only becomes powerful when its properly applied and becomes wisdom, experience, and understanding.T.S. Elliot once asked, Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?We now live in the information economy. Information is not scarce. Information has actually become one of the biggest distractions in our current environment.Spending your time-consuming information wont set you apart in todays environment. Filtering through the vast sea of noise and finding the right information, then properly and immediately apply that information to produce better results is how you set yourself apart in todays word.And not applying that information in a vacuum or echo-chamber. But applying it in the form of collaborations with different types of people - where the whole becomes different from the sum of its parts.Are you living intentionally?Saying No to great but irrelevant opportunities is hard.Giving up bad habits is hard.Changing your belief system and expanding your vision takes courage. Its so easy to revert back to small and mediocre thinking.However, as you come closer to living on a daily basis with your values and ideals, amazing things start to happen. Youll feel happier. Youll be more present with those you love. Youll spend your time better. Youll pursue bigger dreams and ambitions. Youll be more resilient during challenges. Youll live at a higher frequency. And everything around you will reflect that.But to repeat Jim Rohn, A lot of people dont do well simply because they major in minor things. Said another way, most people are caught in the thick of thin things.Hence, mos t people wont be successful. Most people wont evolve and progress.But you will. You know it, and you can feel it. Youve already begun. And every day, youre taking one step closer.Soon enough, youll fully commit to being who you know you can be. Once you pass that point of no return, nothing will stop you.Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Downside Risk of Restaurant Manager Resume That No One Is Talking About

The Downside Risk of Restaurant Manager Resume That No One Is Talking About Top Restaurant Manager Resume Choices Free job application builders allow you to conserve money, but you have to consider what youre giving up in return. The work of a builder is associated with construction. If you wish to have a successful resume here are 10 resume tips that may steer you to the resume that will receive the interest of any employer. The task search might be a lengthy process just examine the stats below Things You Should Know About Restaurant Manager Resume It is astonishing how many wonderful managers out there may run a profitable restaurant operation inside and out, but they dont have any idea what things to write when it is time to shop for their next prospect. Thus, take another look at your server resume and make certain it says exactly what restaurant managers are searching for the next time they will need to engage a good server. There are lots of managers who also mingle with guests and get to understand them, and also concentrate on customer services. To be a general manager, you ought to be the sort of leader that folks listen to. If you would like to be a manager in the hospitality then you ought to take off the rose colored glasses and take a close look at the job, much less a worker sees it, but since the owners and investors see it. Following that, youve got to include a different section on different roles and obligations you have handled as the restaurant manager. For example, if youve got more than ten decades of experience managing the very same restaurant, employers will infer that youre a loyal, hardworking employee who provides value to the corporation. If youre looking for an effective restaurant manager resume vorlage that will permit you to list your vast work experience in chronological order together with the different duties you have handled at various sections, look no more. In order to present yourself as a thriving restaur ant manager, it is very important to take complete responsibility for those shortcomings and errors which take place. So, the where in where to have a therapy dog ought to be replaced by how, and the response is by way of therapy dog training. A complete example is going to be the organization for a restaurant. What You Must Know About Restaurant Manager Resume Resume Contractor The work application builder is remarkably straightforward to use. This Import Export Manager Cover Letter was made by myself. A CV may also be described as an advertising device an individual uses to endorse himself. Resume Contractor The work application building procedure is extremely quick. Should you do, you will likely get a job that you dont really want, since youre not qualified for it. If you truly arent qualified for the job, briefly explain as to why you must secure the job, and what exactly you will do in order to train yourself and make yourself familiar with the skills required in ord er to schliff the job easily, not require a great deal of training or supervision. Youre asking for some job. If you are searching for your very first job complete any appropriate experience, paid or not. However innocuous your experience may be, someone else on the opposite end might misconstrue it. The experiences that are not relevant, you may choose to mention in the interview. Great understanding of the work description of the specific restaurant manager position you wish to obtain will allow you to compose a resume bearing the proper set of skills, qualifications, and expertise so that your resume will interest the hiring manager. The response is in the work description. Resume Design templates There are over 20 design templates to choose from. About 200 other men and women have downloaded the precise same template. Most are only templates with various pre-written words and ideas to assist you in getting started. You must revamp your application while needed if you de cide to find the kind of job that you require. The betreuung gives you various tips, continue templates with mostly classic designs along with the option to share it on an online site or maybe societal media. Really necessary so you can select the best resume format if youre writing the application for fresher applicant. Finding the almost all of templates and creating a CV by using work application building service will certainly make things much simpler. Generally speaking, managers attained training whilst at work. Various resources are available on the internet to assist you nail an interview. Experience in the restaurant industry can help you develop unique skills which are extremely valuable. All specifics of educational attainment and trainings ought to be included. The Basics of Restaurant Manager Resume The managers are the people who are to monitor the employees like, if theyre on the proper track and the work is operating in a smooth way. Focusing on gathering al l of the info required to create a superior objective is a rather important key in resume success. There are lots of ways to submit your resume online. When creating your resume being precise about who you are what you need to offer is important to achieving the message youre trying to imply.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Chen Yining - Chinese International Student, Charles Sturt University

Chen Yining - Chinese International Student, Charles Sturt University Chen Yining Chinese International Student, Charles Sturt UniversityPosted October 13, 2011, by Andrea Riddell Australian food is too full of oil There are no spicy foods in Australia, which was hard to adapt to. And Vegemite? Its not food at all Chen Yining is studying in Australia on an exchange program. Originally from Changchun in China, Chen, 22, is currently studying Business Studies at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst. She had never travelled outside of China before she flew Down Under so the local food and culture was a bit of a shock. Her recommendation for other international students? An alcoholic beverage or two can help break down those language barriers What were you doing back in China before you came to Australia? Why did you decide to study here? I was studying business in Chanchun, and I wanted to improve my English. My mum encouraged me to go on exchange. Was it hard to get a student visa? No it wasnt hard. The process to apply for a visa is just a lot of paper work very annoying. What was your English like before you came here and was it difficult to pass the English test? Im not good at speaking thats the parte that needed mora practice and preparation. Did you have any particular concerns about coming here beforehand? Food and the language barrier it seems that the food here is much more horrible than the language barrier. Can you give some examples of foods that you have found horrible? Have youever eaten vegemite? Everything is too full of oil There are no spicy foods in Australia, which was hard to adapt to. Vegemite? Its not food at all Well, its not really that bad. I can still enjoy Australian food its just that I miss Chinese food. What were your first impressions of Australia? Is it what you expected? Its like a big, big green park with trees and grass everywhere, but there are not many people. My first impression of Australia was its clean, friendly , warm, and suitable for living. So is it much more green and natural in Bathurst rather than Changchun? Is Changchun a big city? Yes, Bathurst is far more natural than my home. Changchun is comparatively a big city in China the twenty-fourth biggest city in China, which as you know has countless cities. Changchun is really crowded and the climate is horrible, which means its extremely hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter. How was the process of fitting into university? Was there support from the uni to help with the transition? All you need is time and effort from yourself. There is support from the uni, but it also depends on your own effort. Have you been involved with the international students association at your university? Have you made lots of friends? Yes, I tried to get involved with them but its hard to make good friends, the language barrier is still there and I need more time. How did you find accommodation? I applied for on-campus accommodation from the u ni before I came here. Whats the best thing and worst thing about living on-campus? The best thing is you can communicate with foreigners as much as you want everything is convenient. The worst is that sometimes its noisy, but I love living on campus anyway. Are you glad that you chose Australia? Yes, it was a smart choice. What has been the best part of the experience? And the most difficult? The best part is you can travel around during the holidays. The most difficult is its not easy to catch up with some of the class. Where have you travelled to in Australia? So far, just to Sydney. Sydney is like Hong Kong I mean, there are lots of Asians and its a busy city. What are your plans after you finish your studies? Are you planning to use your qualification back home, stay in Australia or go to another country? Ill go on with my postgraduate studies in Australia. What advice can you give to people considering coming to Australia to study? If you love drinking, thats the best way to make friends And just ignore what I said before, the language barrier is not a big deal ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health even change the world.Steve Jobs had Bill Campbell as a mentor Bill Gates had Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg had Steve Jobs.Dream jobsWorkplace cultureDream employersIf you could work for any company, which one would it be, and why?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Work at Home for Amphion Medical

Work at Home for Amphion MedicalWork at Home for Amphion MedicalAmphion Medical Solutions was acquired by iMedX in January 2016. Those looking for work-at-home jobs at Amphion should go to iMedXs Careers webpage. Industry Health Information Management Company Description Based in Atlanta, iMedX is a medical document management and health information solutions company. IMedX hires full-time, in-office and remote employees to provide medical transcription, medical coding, and consulting services as well as data analytics and education and training opportunities. Founded in 2002, the company serves clients around the globe, including medical schools, integrated health delivery networks, hospitals, and physician groups. The company uses what it calls Humanology- a combination of qualified people and the latest technology- to formulate precision in the clinical documentation process. IMedX creates management implementation plans that are customized for each client. The company str ives to deliver improvements in efficiency and effectiveness in tandem with its customers. Work-at-Home Jobs at iMedX The companys work-at-home medical transcribers and coders can set their own part-time, full-time, or weekend work schedule, according to iMedXs Careers page. The company says it offers medical, dental, vision, life insurance, and disability plans as well as paid time off and reimbursement for continuing education. According to Glassdoor, medical transcriptionists can expect to make $10 to $14 an hour. A coding specialist can expect to make $25 to $29 an hour. Transcriber Job Requirements IMedXs transcription team consists of mora than 2,000 members who produce 450,000 lines daily for 120,000 physicians. The medical transcribers have an average of 11 years of experience. According to a job posting on iMedXs Careers page, the company expects transcribers to be able to turn around projects in one to two hours. Requirements include at least one year of medical tr anscription experience as well as familiarity with CoPath pathology software. Applicants must have a PC with high-speed cable-modem or DSL internet access. The PC should be running Windows 7 or 8 and have an i5, i7, or better Intel processor, 100 megabytes of hard disk space, and at least 4 gigabytes of RAM. Medical Coder Job Requirements The companys medical coders work for both hospitals and physician groups. According to a job posting on LinkedIn, coders must have a high school diploma or its equivalent and have completed a formal coding program, preferably with a Certified Coding Specialist, Registered Health Information Technician, or Registered Health Information Administrator credential. Applicants must have at least three years of coding work experience and a working knowledge of the International Classification of Diseases and Current Procedural Terminology coding systems. They must be fluent in inpatient, outpatient (ER, diagnostic, injections/infusions, or observation ), or ambulatory surgery coding. Applying Go to iMedXs Careers webpage to find open positions and apply for them.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Java Developer Job Description Sample

Java Developer Job Description SampleJava Developer Job Description SampleJava Developer Job Description SampleThisjava developersample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Java Developer Job ResponsibilitiesCreates user information solutions by developing, implementing, and maintaining Java based components and interfaces.Java Developer Job DutiesDefines site objectives by analyzing user requirements envisioning system features and functionality.Designs and develops user interfaces to internet/intranet applications by setting expectations and features priorities throughout development life cycle determining design methodologies and tool sets completing programming using languages and software products designing and conducting tests.Recommends system solutions by comparing advantages and disadvantages o f custom development and purchase alternatives.Integrates applications by designing database architecture and server scripting studying and establishing connectivity with network systems, search engines, and information servers.Creates multimedia applications by using authoring tools.Completes applications development by coordinating requirements, schedules, and activities contributing to team meetings troubleshooting development and production problems across multiple environments and operating platforms.Supports users by developing documentation and assistance tools.Updates job knowledge by researching new internet/intranet technologies and software products participating in educational opportunities reading professional publications maintaining personal networks participating in professional organizations.Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.Java Developer S kills and QualificationsJava, Java Applets, Web Programming Skills, Teamwork, Verbal Communication, Web User Interface Design, Software Requirements, Software Development Process, Object-Oriented Design (OOD), Multimedia Content Development, Software DebuggingEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Java Developer Jobs and apply on now. Learn more abouthow to hireRecruiting a New Hire if You Havent Hired in a WhileInterviewing Gaffes and Recruiting DisastersMaintain a Legal Hiring Process

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Business Owners Resume Riddle

The Business Owners Resume RiddleThe Business Owners Resume RiddleDo you call yourself the CEO?The resume of an entrepreneur isnt fundamentally different from the resume of any of the employees in a large organization. But the nature of the entrepreneurs role in a company and the tasks he performs creates unique hurdles when crafting a resume for the business owner.For the fruchtwein part, it all comes down to words, said Steve Burdan, a certified professional resume writer based in Chicago who works with Ladders. A hiring manager will not necessarily read between the lines to understand what you did in your own employment and why you want to work for their company.Roles and responsibilitiesThe trouble starts with the business owners title, Burdan said. Does consultant or freelancer fit the bill? Does president fully explain the work youve been doing? Its not necessary to have your resume mirror the title you are applying for, Burdan said. Think about what you did for your company. I f you are looking for a vice president or president role, you dont necessarily have to give yourself that title. Sometimes, general manager stands apart from VP or president and gives the sense of overarching responsibility.Theres also the matter of overstating your rank. Too often, business owners include inflated titles, such as president and CEO, Burdan said. He advises against those titles, even if thats what the individuals business card said.The rationale boils down to perception Theres a big difference between being the president of a one-person company and being the president of General Electric, and, in most cases, its wise to dial it back to avoid being seen as exaggerating your role, he said. If you were a one-person operation, then use principal. A franchise owner would be an owner-operator. It can be difficult for a business owner to capture the breadth and scope of her roles and responsibilities in a title, especially when the sole proprietor wears many hats, Burdan sa id.Here he recommended the self-employed job seeker make use of the resume profile section to spell out not what she did in her old job but how she can leverage her experience to deliver for an employer. Think of it as a branding statement, with yourself as the brand, he said. It should highlight your skill set and give the hiring manager a clear idea of what you can do.The consultants many jobsFor independent contractors, it is important to list the clients you performed work for as a way to highlight your professional credibility among peers. On the other hand, listing the many jobs and relationships of a consultants career presents its own problems, Burdan said.A contractor may have dozens of clients, concurrent engagements and overlapping projects that can appear confusing if listed chronologically as separate jobs on a resume. It creates an unnecessarily long document and can confuse the hiring manager, Burdan said. Instead, he recommended combining them within the job descript ions and highlighting key successes as accomplishments.What about the client relationships that went south or projects that didnt work out? Just dont list them, Burdan said. Never lie, but leaving something off your resume is not the same thing as making something up. If it wasnt a good fit, it didnt work out and it isnt relevant to your search, then its OK to skip it, he said. If someone took a short-term job, and that job blew up, I would suggest they leave that job off the resume, he said. Its all about giving impressions you dont want to give impression that you jump from one job to the next.The rest is Resume 101. Be clear. Be concise. Rewrite you cant have a one-size-fits-all resume, he said. The job search is a race youve got to gain any kind of edge that you can, without using steroids.